The muallakat

The Moallakat: Or Seven Arabian Poems, Which Were Suspended on the Temple at Mecca: With a Translation, a Preliminary Discourse, and Notes Critical, Philological, Explanatory

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William Jones

BiblioBazaar, Sep 1, 2015 - 188 pages

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This work has been chosen by researchers as being socially vital, and is a piece of the information base of human progress as we probably am aware it. This work was imitated from the first curio, and stays as consistent with the first work as could be allowed. In this manner, you will see the first copyright references, library stamps (as a large portion of these works have been housed in our most essential libraries around the globe), and different documentations in the work. This work is in the general population area in the United States of America, and conceivably different countries. Inside the United States, you may openly duplicate and disperse this work, as no substance (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a multiplication of a recorded ancient rarity, this work may contain absent or obscured pages, poor pictures, errant imprints, and so forth. Researchers accept, and we agree, that this work is imperative enough to be saved, recreated, and made commonly accessible to general society. We value your help of the safeguarding procedure, and thank you for being an imperative piece of keeping this learning alive and pertinent.

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