
Showing posts from January, 2019




Maqamat Al-Hariri are much of the time referenced on delightful pictorial delineations displaying parts of life from the Golden Age of Muslim civilisation. Be that as it may, what were the Maqamat? A Maqam (plural: Maqamat) is an Arabic rhymed composition artistic frame with short wonderful passages.* The Maqamat, written in a modern rythm, were fundamentally gone for instructed group of onlookers and left us with a great grandstand of pictorial conventions of the period. As indicated by Alain F George "The content is a magnum opus of Arabic writing".


al-Akhtal al-Taghlibî was one of the incredible panegyrists of the Umayyad time frame. He wound up well known for his parodies and panegyrics in a period when verse was an essential political instrument. al-Akhtal was acquainted with Yazîd b. Muʿâwiyah by Ka'b b. Ju'ayl. He turned into a dear companion of the crown ruler. Yazîd, when he prevailing to the royal position, was exceptionally kind to al-Akhtal. In spite of the fact that he was Christian, he was supported by driving Umayyad caliphs. For his entire life al-Akhtal pursued the supreme Umayyad Dynasty[2].


A ntara ibn Saddat is one of the most famous Arabic poet


 Famous Arabic poet and their name.

imrul kayes

Image the sexpior of arab is imrul kayes......

Abu tammam

Abu Tammam (Arabic: أبو تمام‎), full name Habib ibn Aws Al-Ta'i (Arabic: حبيب بن أوس الطائي‎) (788– 845), was an Abbasid-time Arab writer and Muslim believer destined to Christian parents,[1] best known for his treasury of Arabic verse, Hamasah. Life story Abu Tammam was conceived in Jasim, Syria, north-east of the Sea of Tiberias and close Daraa. He appears to have spent his childhood in Homs, however, as per one story, he was utilized amid his childhood moving water at a mosque in Cairo. His first appearance as an artist was in Egypt, however as he neglected to bring home the bacon there he went to Damascus, and afterward to Mosul.[2] From there he looked for support from the Syrian-based caliph Al-Ma'mun of the Abbasid Empire, yet neglected to awe him. He at that point went towards the eastern piece of the caliphate, in the long run picking up admirers and supporters by lauding different authorities, for example, the legislative leader of Arminiya Khalid ibn Yazid al-Shayb

The muallakat

The Moallakat: Or Seven Arabian Poems, Which Were Suspended on the Temple at Mecca: With a Translation, a Preliminary Discourse, and Notes Critical, Philological, Explanatory Intro page William Jones BiblioBazaar, Sep 1, 2015 - 188 pages 0 Reviews This work has been chosen by researchers as being socially vital, and is a piece of the information base of human progress as we probably am aware it. This work was imitated from the first curio, and stays as consistent with the first work as could be allowed. In this manner, you will see the first copyright references, library stamps (as a large portion of these works have been housed in our most essential libraries around the globe), and different documentations in the work. This work is in the general population area in the United States of America, and conceivably different countries. Inside the United States, you may openly duplicate and disperse this work, as no substance (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work


hamasah Ḥamāsah is a notable ten-book collection of Arabic verse, ordered in the ninth century by Abu Tammam. Alongside the Asma'iyyat, Mufaddaliyat and Mu'allaqat, Hamasah is viewed as one of the essential wellsprings of early Arabic verse. Wikipedia Initially distributed: July 26, 2017 Kind: Poetry Editorial manager: Abu Tammam


The Muallaqat is most important book for Arabic literature.

abu nuas



he is a famouse arabic poet.

learn arabic

It's easy to learn Arabic by regularity.


The Arabic dialect in its most punctual stages was generally very much shielded from the powers of fast change by the peninsular condition inside which it created. It is the best-protected model of the Semitic dialects. Its linguistic structure and morphology—recorded and systematized as a component of the monstrous research try that pursued the generation of a definitive adaptation of the content of the Qurʾān in the seventh century (in spite of the fact that this date involves debate)— give proof of early highlights of the Semitic dialects. These highlights have since vanished from sister dialects, of which Hebrew is maybe the most conspicuous. As the historical backdrop of the disclosure, remembrance, and inevitable chronicle in composed type of the Qurʾān clarifies, the general public of Arabia was one that depended to a vast degree on human memory to safeguard subtleties of vital occasions and standards and to pass on such data and ancient rarities to succeeding ages. That specif

General considerations

The two terms in the title of this article need elaboration. The utilization of the term writing in English to suggest those compositions that are vulnerable to tasteful examination (instead of everything that is composed) is of moderately ongoing vintage, and the advancement of a field of concentrate committed to it is yet later (with the investigation in the West of non-Western abstract customs being considerably more so). In Arabic the term for "writing" in the tight English sense is adab, best deciphered by the French expression beauties lettres ("lovely letters"), which passes on the blend of the stylish and educational components found in adab more adequately than does the English expression writing. In any case, it is imperative to see that, similar to the case with numerous abstract conventions, the roots of this Arabic expression in the premodern period lie in the domains of right conduct ("considerate letters").



arabic poet



Arabic writing, the assortment of composed works created in the Arabic dialect. The custom of Arabic writing extends back exactly 16 centuries to unrecorded beginnings in the Arabian Peninsula. At specific focuses in the advancement of European progress, the abstract culture of Islam and its Arabic mechanism of articulation came to be viewed as models for copying as well as, through essential channels, for example, Moorish Spain and Norman Sicily, as immediate wellsprings of motivation for the scholarly networks of Europe. The quick spread of the Islamic confidence brought the first abstract convention of the Arabian Peninsula into contact with numerous other social customs—Byzantine, Persian, Indian, Amazigh (Berber), and Andalusian, to give some examples—changing and being changed by every one of them. At the turn of the 21st century, the incredible impact of the West would in general give such contacts an increasingly uneven directionality, however Arab litterateurs were always en


this is  a logo this is so nice literature is important


Arabic language is one of the most important subject for modern world.

arabic philology and phonetics

 subject of  Arabic language.

science of interpretation and prosody

science of interpretation and prosody is important for everyone.

literary criticism


arabic poetry


modern poetry



Arabic drama is one of the most important part for Arabic literature .
Add caption everybody should know about modern prose because it most important for Arabic literature.
its most famous book for history of Muslim.
Arabic writing (Arabic: الأدب العربي‎/ALA-LC: al-Adab al-'Arabī) is the composition, both exposition and verse, delivered by essayists in the Arabic dialect. The Arabic word utilized for writing is "Adab", which is gotten from an importance of decorum, and which suggests respectfulness, culture and enhancement. Arabic writing developed in the fifth century with just parts of the composed dialect showing up before at that point. The Qur'an, broadly viewed by individuals as the best bit of writing in the Arabic language,[1] would have the best enduring impact on Arabic culture and its writing. Arabic writing thrived amid the Islamic Golden Age, however has stayed energetic to the present day, with artists and composition scholars over the Arab world, just as rest of the world, making expanding progress.
We should learn Arabic literature because it help us to understand Quran.